From our Inspiration to yours...This necklace design was created with an assortment aqua, coral, and sea foam art glass and natural beads. Natural brass beads and findings compliment and adorn the beautiful perfume style pendant made from a handmade lampwork lentil bead.
Vintaj Natural Brass materials: BC20 7.5mm Filigree Bead Cap, BC30 16mm Filigree Bead Cap,BC70 6mm Filigree Bead Cap,BD70 3mm Melon Bead, BD180 Crimp Bead, BD200 6mm Flower Spacer Bead, CH20 6mm Fine Oval Chain, CH40 3mm Cable Chain CL30 Lobster Clasp, EP1 1” Eye Pin, HP2 2” Head Pin, P90 Multi-tiered Donut Pendant, P160 Art Deco Dragonfly Pendant, JR10 4mm Jump Ring,JR20 4.5mm Jump RingJR30 6mm Jump Ring.
Other bead materials: Handmade lampwork lentil bead, Assortment of turquoise art glass beads.
Tools: Ergonomic rosary pliers w/ side cutter, Ergonomic chain nose pliers 2 pair
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Link the beads & the bead cap together.
Using a 2'' head pin, link in order-one 16mm filigree beadcap, one lampwork lentil 20mm glass bead, one 16mm filigree bead cap, one 6mm flower spacer, two 4mm jump ring spacers, one 3mm melon bead.
Step 2: Press the bead cap into the shape of the bead.
Using your fingers, securely hold all the beads and
the bead cap on the head pin. Press the bead cap into
the shape of the lentil bead with gentle repetitive motions.
(This is almost like molding clay.)
Push the beads and the bead cap tightly against each other.
Step 3: Make the loop end of the pendant.
A: Holding the pendant assemblage securely with your
fingers, use the rosary pliers to grip the straight end of the
head pin. While still holding securely, pull the head pin toward
you. Bend anywhere in between a 45° and 90° angle.
B: Continue by turning the head pin away from you
(keeping the angle) until you've completed
approximately 1 1/2 revolutions of a coiled loop,
achieving plenty of tension on the bead assemblage.
Your pendant should now be secure.
Step 4: Attach the jump ring to the loop on the pendant.
A: Open a 4.5mm jump ring using chain nose pliers.
B: Slide the jump ring through the looped end of the
perfume pendant and close.
Step 5: Create the pendant.
A: Loop the CH40 chain around the P90 donut to hang the pendant. B: Attach the P160 dragonfly to the chain using JR20 jump rings C: Loop the tail of the P160 dragonfly using rosary pliers. D: Attach the beaded drop to the looped tail using JR20 jump rings.
Step 6: String the seed bead strand.
A: Cut a piece of bronze bead wire at desired length.
B: String a series of coral seed beads and melon spacer beads.
C: Crimp ends of wire with crimp bead.
Step 7: Link the beads & bead caps together.
A: String your beads and bead caps onto 1'' eye pins. B: Trim the excess and form simple loops to complete each bead link. C: Using 8mm jump rings, connect your bead links to one another as shown above.
Step 8: Attach the pendant to the linked beads.
A: Open an 4.5mm jump ring using chain nose pliers. B: Slide one 8mm jump ring through each of the top openings of the looped chain on the pendant and close. C: Using another 4.5mm jump ring attach the pendant to the linked beads as shown above.
Step 9: Complete the necklace.
A: Attach the linked beads,fine oval chain, and seed bead strand using 4.5mm jump rings. B: Attach the clasp using 4.5mm jump rings.
Artist Reference:
Handmade Lamp work Lentil Bead
Featured Artist, Cathie Roberts
Magikal Glassworks Studio
Techniques: Wrapping, Linking, Stringing,
Materials: Art glass/Faceted glass, Gemstones, Lampwork glass, Seed Beads, Stickers,