N0120 - Swirling Raindrop Necklace - Designer: Jeanne Holland

by VJMco January 21, 2020

From our imagination to yours...create this necklace using basic, linking and stringing techniques. With clusters of rings and drops, and twisted strands of art glass and fresh water pearls, this necklace is inspired by fresh air and new beginnings.

Natural brass beads & findings:
BC40- 12mm Filigree Bead Cap
BD170- 4mm Circle Spacer Bead / Crimp Cover
BD180- 2mm Round Crimp
BD70- 3mm Melon Bead
CH50- 10mm Round Link Chain
CL60- 18 x 11mm Swirl Clasp
DP140- 17mm Filigree Butterfly Charm
EP15- 1.5"Eye Pin
JR20- 4.5mm Jump Ring
JR40- 8mm Jump Ring
JR50- 10mm Jump Ring
JR60- 15mm Jump Ring
JRD10- 9.5mm Etched Jump Ring

Tools & Supplies:
TS-03 - Ergonomic Rosary Plier, Round with Cutter
TS-04 - Ergonomic Chain Nose Plier with Cutter
TS-05 - 7 Strand Bronze Beading Wire

Artist materials:
Lillypilly Designs, Engraved Celtic Shell Pendant
available at! www.lillypillydesigns.com

Unicorne Beads, Rugged Flat Coin Bead
available at! http://www.unicornebeads.com/


Step 1: Create strung sections. A: String two 1 ½ inch sections of art glass, natural brass and fresh water pearls, crimp and cover. Connect the two 1 ½ strung sections using one JR70.
B: String one 3 ¼ inch section of art glass, natural brass and fresh water pears, crimp and cover.

Step 2: Create bead links.
A: Create one 10mm bead link, one 12mm bead link and one 28mm bead link, using the basic linking technique.

Step 3: Create your focal drop.
A: Attach one JR50 and the 25mm lillypilly pendant to one JR70 using one 8mm jump ring.
B: Attach the filigree butterfly to the JR70 using one 4.5mm jump ring.

Step 4: Create the left side of the necklace.
A: Attach the strung sections to one end of the left end of the focal drop. Attach the opposite ends of the strung sections to one JR70.
B: Continuing to work left, attach a 7 inch section of of 10mm round link chain to the opposite end of the JR70.
D: Continue by attaching in the following order: one bead link, and the swirled end of the swirl clasp set, using 4.5mm jump rings, to the opposite end of the 10mm round link chain.

Step 5: Create the right side of the necklace.
A: Attach one 25mm bead link to the right end of the focal drop using one 4.5mm jump ring. Continue connecting in the following order: one JR50, one 12mm bead link, and the ring end of the swirl clasp set, using 4.5mm jump rings.

Your necklace is complete, Enjoy!

Visit vintaj.etsy.com to purchase a unique treasure designed by,
The Girls at Vintaj!

"Inspiration in Every Finding"

Techniques: Linking, Stringing, Clustering,

Materials: Pearls/Crystals, Art glass/Faceted glass, Lampwork glass, Wood/Shell,

Products Used:

  • CH50
  • DP140
  • JRD10
  • BC40
  • JR50